Our Team have the knowledge and experience to help you stay on track.
Highly Professional Service
We are not here just to fill in time. We are dedicated to bringing the best service and training regimes to you in a highly professional environment and mannor.
We are here to educate you with training, nutirition and build habits to last a lifetime.
Weekly Goal Setting Reset Every 12 Weeks
We help you set short, medium and long term goals. We check in with your body stats and set a training plan you can stick to in line with your goals.
Fitness Check In
12 week assessments to see your improvements.
Weekly Accountability
We keep you accountable to your training plan, body goals, give you feeback on your nutrition and set small goals every week.
Periodised Training Porgram
Based on individual goals and objectives and ability. Our foundation is to build strength, muscular endurance and metabolic conditioning to be fit and strong.
$4 reg coffee Freestate Cafe.
CCPT Merch
Shaker bottle and towel.
CCPT App Tracker
Exclusive access to our CCPT training app, track your workouts, nutrition, view your progress and build those habits.
Nutritional Macro Nutrients Calculated
We look at body type, your activity level, your goal, your fat free mass then calculate your daily macronutrients to achieve your results.
Nutrition Planning Session
Plan out the correct daily structure, how to eat around your training and maximise your results. Our view is to improve health, body composition and performance.
Meal Plans
Get a head start by utilising some of our meal plan examples into your own daily macros.
Studio Access
On select programs, get access to the studio while we are open,
From our legend clients to our awesome trainers, we are here every step of the way to ensure you are in good hands!
Results Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!
Our guarantee to you is that if you are able to follow our proven system and guidance, you will get the results you are destined to achieve. Not only now, but for the rest of your life.